Next Meeting 1/27: Religion’s Place in America

25 Jan

We’re looking forward to seeing the Underground come out for our first meeting of the semester.  The start things out right, we thought we’d bring up something a little more controversial than normal: the role of religion in American society. Continue reading

Pro-Choice Press Release: Abortion Rights in Jeopardy as Roe v. Wade Reaches 38th Anniversary

22 Jan

January 21, 2011
3:47 PM
CONTACT: National Organization for Women (NOW)
Mai Shiozaki, 202-628-8669, ext. 116; cell 202-641-1906

Abortion Rights in Jeopardy as Roe v. Wade Reaches 38th Anniversary

Statement of NOW President Terry O’Neill Continue reading

Pro-life Article: Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court’s Dumbest Decision

22 Jan


By Michael Filozof, republished from The American Thinker

Imagine for a moment that you were ticketed for speeding by the state police.  Suppose that you lied to the cop about why you were driving so fast.  Then imagine that a group of special-interest lawyers contacted you and told you they wanted to appeal your ticket to the Supreme Court, and they gave you a legal pseudonym to hide your identity.  Now imagine that the Court ruled that the ancient Romans had no speed limit on the Appian Way, that the Germans have no speed limits on the autobahn, and that speed limits are a violation of the Constitution and must be struck down.

Sound crazy?  Well, the hypothetical scenario above pretty much describes the logic used by the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade.  Actually, “logic” is much too strong a word.  The Court’s opinion in Roe is pure sophistry — and very bad sophistry at that. Continue reading

38th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

22 Jan

Today marks the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the supreme court case that legalized abortion in America. Whether you agree with the ruling or not, it was certainly a landmark case that changed women’s rights. As a blog that is very dedicated to civil rights, freedom, and liberty, most of us at MU are pretty pro-choice, but we can’t deny that some pro-life points make a lot of sense.  As a mark of goodwill towards both sides of the issue, we will republish two articles from different sources, one pro-life and one pro-choice.

Either way you lean on this issue, MU wants to wish you a happy Saturday!

Movie Review: Time Code

21 Jan

I’ve always been really fascinated with different forms of narration.  Because of these, I am currently taking a screen-writing class at UF so that I may learn this format of telling a tale. But, as a screen-writing class, we have to watch films that exemplify different techniques or ideas in film-making. So this past Wednesday we watch the movie Time CodeAll I can say is that it was…interesting.

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Student Organization Fair, TODAY!

20 Jan

Hey Undergrounders!  Today from 10-2 pm, the Media Underground will be tabling at the Reitz Colonnade.  Stop by to show your support or bring your friends if you think they’d be interested in a cool club with cool ideas.  We’re a club that encourages discourse of ideas, so anyone who has an opinion about anything is free to join!

Hopefully see you guys out today!

We’re baaaack *SPRING2011*

10 Jan

Hope everyone had a great holiday, but the spring semester has started and, alas, school has begun again.  But the good news means…MEDIA UNDERGROUND will be coming back!

Over the break, we’ve been thinking of some awesome topics for meetings for you guys.  But we won’t be starting meetings for a week of so, not until we do some tabling.  The Student Organization Fair is January 20 & 21 between 10am-2pm, but we’ll only be there for one of them.  We don’t know what day we’ll be tabling yet, but you can bet it’ll be one of those days.

Keep checking our website for more updates about what day we’ll be tabling and when are first meeting of the semester will be.

Results of Officer Election

24 Dec

The results of the Fall elections are as follows:

President: Brittany Weissler

Vice President: Kelli Wiedinger

Secretary: Dannalie Diaz

Treasurer and Court Jester: David Skirvin

So basically, all the same officers were re-elected.  But that doesn’t mean that everything is going to be exactly the same.  We’ll be trying to have more events, more fundraisers, and even more alternative topics and meetings and overall fun-happenings.  See you guys in January!!!  Happy holidays and a great break.

Meeting 12/2: Wikileaks and You!

2 Dec

Tonight we will be talking about the controversy that surrounds the organization Wikileaks.  Wikileaks is a news media site that publishes material with often hidden or confidential information that anonymous sources leave in their electronic “drop-box.”  Wikileaks writes a piece summarizing the information and its implications with the original documents so that readers can analyze the content for themselves.

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Next Meeting 12/2: Wikileaks

1 Dec

Okay, these topic posts are getting later and later.  Sorry about that, but things are getting busy at the end of the semester and Brittany the prez is having difficulty finding time for her blogging duties.

But this week’s topic is about the pros and cons of the organization and purpose of Wikileaks.

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